zaterdag 2 januari 2016

AE911's focus on NIST

I am amazed that AE911 keeps focusing on NIST to try to discredit the report they did on WTC7. But did you know that the NIST is not the only one who created a report on  WTC7? I guess you didn't because Gage never mentions those other reports on the collapse during his speeches. So which reports are you talking about then, you might ask.

Well in 2010 a British engineering company called ARUP also wrote a report together with the well renowned Structural Engineering professor from the University of Manchester, Colin G. Bailey.

Another structural company also did their own research in 2010, and this company is called, Guy Nordenson and Associates Structural Engineers LLP. And they got help from Frederick W. Mowrer, who is a professor at the University of Maryland, and who specializes in Fire Protection Engineering
And the reports are below.

Nordenson report part 1
Nordenson report part 2

So ask Gage why he never mentions these reports, the next time you see him do one of his speeches.

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